Bourbon Sour / Rhum SourChai MasalaChai means tea and masala means spiced.
I was taught this recipe by the chef at the Salinda Resort in Phù Quôc Island.
You will need a deep mortar to crush the spices.
Feel free to experiment with the spices based on your preferences.
I like to serve it with frothed milk on top.
GazolinasI first tasted this cocktail in Mexico city. It was served out of a little jerrycan, thus the name. The bar owner gave us a very succinct verbal recipe. Here is my best recollection, combined with other versions of it.
If you do not want to go through the entire process of making the liqueur, you can buy ready made "Ancho Reyes Chile Ancho liqueur".Gingerbread hot ginThis is a wonderful hot drink after being outside in the cold. It had more complex flavours than a simple hot toddy.GlöggBeware this is very strong!
This is a Swedish recipe for a sweet, warm and spicy mulled wine. The word "glögg" means glowing ember.
The quantities are enormous, to serve a crowd but the recipe can obviously be divided.
Must be prepared a day in advance.Grapefruit rosemary rum punchRum or rhum? "Rum" is a catch-all term for every style of the spirit, from white rums and golden rums to dark and spiced varieties. "Rhum", on the other hand, refers to one style of rum only. The term is short for 'rhum agricole' (with 'agricole' meaning 'agricultural' in French), a style of rum originally distilled on French Caribbean islands such as Martinique, Haiti and the Guadeloupe archipelago.
This recipe minus the rum makes a great cocktail.