THE day

Six months ago I sold, and moved out of, my home. Six months of living in the country, commuting 3 hours a day to go to work. Six months to conquer my fear of mice and other critters. Weeks without a phone line. Endless rain in May, June and July… Luckily it IS a gorgeous place….


Now the day has finally come to sign the papers that make the new city house mine. I don’t think I really believed  I could do it. Yet I did. I know I offended friends by not taking them up on their offer to sleep over, but it was like a battle…and I could not not be here…I had set that goal for myself and I stuck through it.

The days of waiting for prince charming to come and rescue me are over.  I have gotten through this by myself. I sorted out all the annoying stuff like law suits, notaries, insurance, utilities, alarm systems, cable and internet providers, movers…. Hopefully I made the right choices, and if I have not, well, then, I will deal with that too.

I will miss having my kids around to celebrate this day as we did the sale, but I know they are with me in spirit…Thirty years ago today I was giving birth to one of them….and it was one of the three best days of my life, so this date should be an auspicious one and will be easy to remember…

Hopefully I can make the new house reflect who I am and at the same time make it welcoming for the people who will visit me. This is my next challenge.

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