The bird feeder

My bird feeder has proven to be very popular. Not only does it attract bluejays, cardinals and titmice but squirrels are using it for their stretching exercises.


But my biggest surprise came as I  got home this evening after 3 hours in traffic. A raccoon was casually hanging on the feeder post. He did not run away. he just stood there as if to say: “What are YOU doing here?”


I thought he was the third of the three musketers I had initially spotted a week ago  but was taken aback when I saw TWO more join him. This would make them quints. But definitely not identical. The more time I spent watching them, the more differences I noticed, in the colour of their fur, the shape of their face, their walk, their attitude….


2 thoughts on “The bird feeder

  1. Hi Eve,

    I can’t stop myself from commenting on your tribulations with the racoons.
    These are smart animals and it’s their country place. Like you said, I’m sure they consider you as the intruder. It’s a loosing battle…maybe it’s best to live and let live…..but I do undestad your plight.



    PS: great photos. The racoon on the pole looking at you is so cute…

  2. I think they consider you as a convenience store… Spikes on the bird feeder pole and relocation of the too-friendly ones to a nice wilderness resort.

    Not to say I don’t enjoy watching the little critters. Lovely, crafty and crazy smart.

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