Lately I have been taking the train to and from work, as it forces me to walk a good deal to get to and from the station, and also the ride is much shorter and sometimes the Air Conditioning even works. But today, when I stepped out of the office, it was starting to rain, so I decided to take the bus, as the bus stop is only one block away. Unfortunately for me, I ended waiting on that street corner for 15 minutes, which is the time it would have taken to walk to the train station. When the bus finally pulled up it was already full. We had to push and shove to get in. Once I had found a little spot to stand on, I had to endure people’s umbrellas dripping down my legs, backpacks knocking me left and right, feet stomping on my toes, people pushing themselves against my back… The windows were fogged up so it was impossible to see outside, but I did hear thunder, and the sound of rain seemed to intensify…the people boarding the bus were soaked…then someone slid open a window and everyone went “OOOOHHHH!!!” There was a river running down the street, over the sidewalk, big waves crashing on storefronts… Further down that road is an underpass. As we approached it we saw two cars caught at the bottom with water up to their side windows. We saw the drivers wading away in water up to their chests. Our diver stopped the bus, as he could no go through until the water had drained and the cars were removed. He offered us to either get out or wait it out inside. I decided to get out as a friend of mine lives not very far from there. There was a waterfall of brown water pouring from the overpass. I had to run through it, as there was no other way. Once on the other side it was only more water pouring out of nowhere. The sidewalks disappeared as did the median and a good part of people’s laws were under also. Water was shooting out of manhole covers like geysers. It was a scary sight…and scarier still to walk through this dark water without knowing what you were walking on.
I made it to my friend’s and then her husband kindly drove me home. Water retreated quickly once it stopped raining. I saw on the news that many low lying areas had suffered similar fates…but thankfully there were no casualties…We may try to conquer space but we will never be able to control nature…